Balancing The Sword - Reading Planner
BTS Reading Planner lets you organize your bible ebooks.
The value of the books increases dramatically with the addition of the BTS Reading Planner ®. If you want to read a large section of the Bible or the whole Bible, you need a reading schedule.
One person may want to read through the gospels over two months starting on May 20th. A group may want to read through the Bible in a year starting on January 1st. The BTS Reading Planner ® accommodates all needs!
The Balancing the Sword Reading Planner may very well be the most flexible and accurate reading scheduler available. The planner is not based on reading three chapters per day nor on reading so many verses per day. Rather, the Reading Planner divides the Bible so that you are reading the same number of words per day. The planner performs a literal word count for everyday and rounds up or down according to your preference.